So, do you know what you should never do? Never agree to go somewhere, on a trip, that involves some actual travel,like on a train, like to another town, without being the organizer of that trip. I bet you thought "Oh, that doesn't sound good." And you would be right. It is not good. Don't do it. You've been warned.
Our friend Anne invited us to Viareggio which is a nearby coastal town that was supposed to have really awesome Carnavale celebrations. That sounds great! we said, and it's Ricardo's birthday that weekend! said Ricardo. So we agreed. When we got to the train station to supposedly get on this 9:57 am train, not only was there no train at that time, but only half the people who were coming were actually on time so we wouldn't have made this fictitious train if it had been real anyway. No big though, we waited until 11:00 am and got on a train for an hour and a half which is not bad at all.
The train was a fun time even though Sarah (the girl in the mask) was still really drunk from the night before and so was REALLY loud (actually everyone was pretty loud) which is really embarrassing here because everyone is really quiet and only grossawfulstupid American touists are that loud.
When we got to Viareggio we happily rushed out onto the street, and dear readers, it looked like a movie about a third world country and it was really gray and raining even though it had been a beautiful day when we left Florence. Things were not looking up. After we walked around for a while we went into a shop to ask for directions and luckily they told us we were literally on the wrong side of the tracks, so we went back to the station and left through the other exit and it actually looked like a town. We found an old man on the street and Sarah asked him in no words of Italian what was happening with Carnavale. Some other people asked him with Italian words. His response was pretty great.
Carnavale only happens on Sundays.
This, dear readers, is on a Saturday. Kiss, kiss, bang, bang 30 euros to get Ricardo and I to Viareggio. This is Ricardo's effort to make me less angry:
It's wasn't a bad effort actually.
Luckily for you, because you're now feeling my very feelings, so deeply are we connected, and therefore are pretty depressed right now, things got better. We found an open air market and after Ricardo and I got separated from everyone (me getting more angry and depressed) and then found Anne who told us everyone had left us (me getting more angry and depressed) we stopped at a stall that had some vintage clothes and found spectacular things and bought them and I felt better because I love clothes. That was a surprise, right? After that it got even better because the sun came out! And when the sun came out the people came out and it no longer looked like a ghost town from the zombie apocalypse. After a while things finally started happening and even though nothing great happened for Carnavale on Saturday it was still a fair and I decided to have a good time even though it was a colossal waste of money.
This is what I got Ricardo at the vintage stall for his birthday! It's from the Italian military and fits really well and has great pins and Ricardo found a Lire in the pocket and was so excited. He wore on his birthday and everyone told him he looked awesome and great and other nice things so he was pretty happy about himself. Also, Anne decided to take this picture in fron tof this port a potty because it has hearts on it and Ricardo is born on Valentine's Day?
Anne poses with the lady on the ride. FIERCE.