Sunday, January 17, 2010

Ravenna was awesome

But we took too many photos. Going through them ASAP, and also a bunch a people are coming over for dinner today, its become a tradition for this small group of people (like 15 of us) to get together on sundays and make a big dinner and talk and have fun.

So, the pictures exist! But they will have to wait!


  1. yay!the apartment is beautiful, location - a dream. Can you visit the David all the time? I might never leave except for all the other wonderful things. Do you remember the leather market we went to? Can't be far from there. Also, I sent you an email with info on the piazza Michelangelo (featuring lovely views of the city and a replica of the David).

    Sounds like the weekend trips are truly wonderful. I'm so happy for you both. Love, lina

  2. we COULD visit the David all the time except it costs BUTLOADS to go see it. so we haven't even been yet, cause we're going to get "friends of the ufizzi" passes so we can go everywhere. I don't remember where the leather market was, we're right near the market of San Lorenzo which has some cool things. I'm looking at some ponchos... the ones they have here are totally rad!I got the email, sorry I haven't had time to respond.. or rather I've been spending my free time blogging/watching reruns of 30rock...hhhhhhmmmmmmmmm rethinking this right now. BUT YES! we will go to that, and I did know about it, so thank you!
